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General Rules

1. All students should reach school before assembly. The school gate will be closed at the first bell, at 7.45 a.m. The late comers will not be 
    allowed to enter the school premises without valid reason.
2. All students must come to school neatly dressed with socks and shoes with full uniform according to the concerned day.
3. Students should be regular and punctual in attending the school.
4. The school property should not be damaged at any cost. All kinds of damage done by the students in the school premises has to be made 
    good by the concerned students. For the small damage the caution money will be deducted.
5. Parents / Guardians or any other visitors are strictly for bidden to visit the class, talk to the teachers or students during class hours. Also       
    parents are not allowed to take the children during class hours without any reason.
6. No provisional admission is given to any student without the original Birth Certificate.
7. All documents and the formalities should be completed to confirm the admission.
8. Parents are not allowed to shout or to make noise or to misbehave in an impolite way in the school premises.
9. Parents should not send with their ward the betel nuts (supadi), areca nut, (gutka) pan parag, tobacco, cigarettes or any form of drugs and       
    make up items . If any of these are found with the students grievous action will be taken.
10.Wearing ornaments, nail polish and henna application is strictly prohibited. Proper hair cut or two plaits with blue hair bands or blue ribbons is
11.Students are not allowed to bring mobile phone to the school premises.
12.Students below 18 years are not allowed to bring two wheelers. Students should submit their license copy in the principal’s office.
13.The school is not responsible for the books, money etc. or the valuables that are sent and are lost in the school premises. It is not 
     advisable for pupils to have money or valuable articles with them. Similarly, the peons are not responsible for cycles left unlocked or for
     those kept outside the cycle stand.
14.Students are expected to keep clean the school premises, corridors, class rooms, wash rooms etc..
15. Polythene bags are not allowed to bring in the school.
16.Students should strictly follow the rules and regulations laid by the school. In case of any violation of the rules the management will take a strict 
17.If the student is being absent in the class for any reason a leave application should be submitted to the class teacher with the signature of 
     the parents/guardians. If a child is absent from the school consecutively for fifteen days without any leave-letter signed by his/her parents, the name 

      of the child will automatically be struck off from the school register.
18. Every student is expected to keep up the good tone of the school by his / her good work and behaviour. Disobedience, habitual idleness or conduct 
      injurious to the moral tone of the school or to any school mates, strict action will be taken on the students.
19. The parents should send nutritious food in the Tiffin not the junk/fast food for their wards.
20. Parents make sure that your child shouldn’t come to the school with an empty stomach.
21. Students are expected to keep discipline in the school campus everywhere.
22. Personal and general cleanliness, politeness and courtesy of speech are much emphasized. Therefore, scribbling on school desks or walls, stealing
      or damaging other students belongings will be severely dealt with.
23. Parents are requested to make their complaints directly to the school authorities; not to the teachers.
24. No pupil may enter other than his / her own classroom without permission or to take other’s belongings.
25. The student who comes late to the school habitually without valid reason will not be admitted to the class without the permission of the Principal 
      otherwise will be fined.
26. It is strictly forbidden for the students to go out of school premises during school hours.
27. Parents should bring the student’s ‘ID’ provided by the school when they want to fetch the child from the school.


1. We request the parents to co-operate with the School authorities for the all round development of the children.
2. Parents should check daily the home-work written in student’s hand-book.
3. Private tuitions are discouraged. The staff of this school cannot accept offers for tuitions without the permission of the Principal.
4. Parents or students are not allowed to give any personal gifts to teachers.
5. Students should be encouraged to speak in English whenever possible, as it will enable them to follow their lessons easily and intelligibly.
6. We request the parents not to pay too much heed to the complaints of the children as they are easily swung by likes and dislikes.
7. Parents should notify the school of any change in the address or phone number.
8. Once the child is out of the school compound school is not responsible for the child.
9. No child will be allowed to go home during school hours without the written permission of the principal.
10.Parents should quickly respond to any kind of notice / remarks that are sent through the school diary.
11. Parents should not bring their vehicles inside the compound.
 1. Honesty                        7. Discipline
 2. Obedience                   8. Serenity
 3. Loyalty                         9. Sacrifice
 4. Yearning for God   10. Sincerity
 5. Courage                     11. Openness
 6. Respect                      12. Hard work

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